TheMechBookThis website offers resources for education, networking, career development, and access to technical publications. We are a technical workforce that provides the best information.
We specialise in CAD CAM CAE, Reverse Engineering, And Animation services _courses. We also design products for individuals.
On this website www.TheMechBook.com you can also find projects from our Mechanical Lab and meet Expert Engineers directly plus training of freelancing.
About Owner
The owner of this website is PAVITAR SINGH…Product Design Engineer. He did a B.Tech Mechanical Engineering and attempted all exams for 8 semesters but did not complete the re-appears for the degree. He decided to move with CAD CAM CAE software because he was interested in practical knowledge from the first semester of b.tech. He upgraded as a Product Design Engineer and earned dollars $ from the upwork freelancing platform. The owner of this website is Crorepati$ now, with liquid fund value and resources are extra in counting.